How to use LinkedIn to grow your newsletter

Here's a great way of getting your ideal customer into your sales funnel by first offering something of value.

A digital image divided in the middle, depicting two contrasting marketing strategies. On the left, a clutter of emails burst into paper airplanes flying haphazardly against a backdrop of disorder, representing ineffective newsletter outreach. On the right, a few emails are transformed into radiant gold, spotlighted by beams of light in an orderly and calm setting, symbolizing the impact of a targeted, engaged newsletter audience. The image illustrates the concept of quality over quantity in audience building, with a professional and creative visual style.

A newsletter is only as good as its audience.

Back in the day, I used tools like KingSumo to build a newsletter list using giveaways and viral loops. While the growth was insane, I quickly saw how my emails, after all the growth, would have worse open rates, spam warnings, lots of unsubscribes, and less engagement.


The audience was completely wrong.

I had grown the list with people looking to win a prize – not those interested in my business or my content.

I’d much prefer having 100 highly targeted people in my list than 1000s of throwaway email addresses and prize grifters.

Grow your newsletter with highly targeted prospects using LinkedIn

Here’s a way to get your ideal clients subscribed to your newsletter.

You can do this manually, but tools like Dripify can automate all of this.

Step 1

Connect with your ideal clients. We want to send them a message, and we can only do that if we’re connected. We don’t want to send them an InMail as they are much less effective.

You can use a connection message or not, but you will want to test to see which has a higher connection success rate for you.

Step 2

Wait a few days…

Here’s the message you can send.

Hey [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], I write a weekly newsletter where I cover topics like email & content marketing, sales techniques, lead generation, and a lot more. No small-boy stuff here.

​Here’s one of the latest issues: LINK GOES HERE.

​If you’re interested, could I sign you up for it?

You’ll be able to unsubscribe at any time.

Step 3

If they haven’t replied, send them a follow-up just after sending your latest newsletter.

Hi [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], I wrote another issue on TOPIC, which I’ve just sent out. LINK GOES HERE

If you found it interesting, you can sign up here – SIGN UP LINK

​That’s all from me. No more messages about this, I promise.

Not every growth technique is for everyone, and this is definitely a little aggressive, but it’s nowhere near as bad as those “Can I have 15 minutes of your time? Here is my Calendly link” messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can one effectively identify and target ideal clients on LinkedIn for newsletter subscription?

Identifying and targeting ideal clients on LinkedIn for newsletter subscriptions involves a strategic approach. Utilizing LinkedIn’s search and filter features, you can pinpoint users by industry, company size, job role, and geographic location. Engaging with potential subscribers through relevant LinkedIn groups, posts, and industry discussions can also be beneficial. It’s important to research and understand the interests and needs of your target audience to ensure your newsletter content aligns with their expectations.

What are best practices for crafting connection messages that maximize acceptance rates?

Crafting effective connection messages on LinkedIn requires a balance of personalization and professionalism. The key is to make your message stand out while being respectful of the recipient’s time. Begin by briefly introducing yourself and explaining why you are reaching out. Make sure to mention any mutual connections or interests to establish a common ground. Keep the message concise and focused on the value your newsletter offers. Avoid overly sales-oriented language, and aim to spark genuine interest in your content.

Are there any ethical considerations or LinkedIn policies to be aware of when sending bulk messages for newsletter sign-ups?

When sending messages for newsletter sign-ups, it’s crucial to consider both ethical considerations and LinkedIn’s policies. LinkedIn’s terms of service discourage spamming and bulk messaging without personalization. Ethically, it’s important to respect the recipients’ time and privacy. Ensure that your messages are personalized, relevant, and provide value. Additionally, be transparent about the intent of your message and make it easy for recipients to opt-out or decline your invitation.

How can the effectiveness of this LinkedIn strategy be measured in terms of newsletter subscriber growth and engagement?

Measuring the effectiveness of the LinkedIn strategy for newsletter growth involves tracking metrics like the number of new connections, the conversion rate of connections to newsletter subscribers, and the engagement levels of new subscribers. Tools that integrate LinkedIn activity with email marketing platforms can help track how new connections engage with your newsletter content. Monitoring open rates, click-through rates, and retention rates of subscribers acquired through LinkedIn can provide insights into the effectiveness of this strategy and guide future adjustments.

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